Widows Ministry

The heart of Shelves of Shalom and The Unexpected Cosmology is to care for widows

 [Deuteronomy 10:18; Psalm 68:5. Psalm 146:9; Isaiah 1:17; Zechariah 7:4; James 1:27]

At present, we care for the complete financial needs of Rebecca Gould. In turn, Rebecca works as a full time Store Manager for The Unexpected Cosmology. We are currently seeking to meet the complete financial needs of Pamela Glasgow while she actively translates the Bible from the Paleo-Hebrew – What an incredible undertaking! YAH willing, we will bring more widows under our wing.

We need your support! We ask that you please prayerfully consider supporting our widow program. You can donate by choosing an option below.

TUC Monthly Ministry and Widows Support: Patreon Support

Ministry Goals

Both The Unexpected Cosmology and Shelves of Shalom Publishing desire to see the health and spiritual growth of each community member. We encourage reading the Bible (the whole Bible) from beginning to end, and then, far more importantly, following our Father’s Instructions out of love and a desire for obedience. We encourage the reading of synchronized extra-Biblical texts, and we put a great emphasis on exposing the lies of our Controllers. What good is knowledge if we don’t exhibit the fruit of the Spirit among the brethren? Our goal is to see each individual take the responsibility upon themselves to make the pilgrim’s journey down The Way, that ancient path, rather than depending upon others. Messiah is our High Priest and King but also our model for living. We walk as Yahusha walked, and when we stumble or fall, we pick ourselves up, repent of our wrong, and begin walking as he walked again.

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Ministry or customer inquiries may reach us at the following email addresses: